Sunday 13 December 2009


So... we're in Koh Chang now, and its all a bit like paradise! Bangkok was smoggy, and hot, and very busy (and yes dan, you are a prophet, we did get ripped off by a taxi on the 1st day!). Nonetheless I liked it, Mark not so much as he is all ill and keeps getting nosebleeds and doesn't like shopping around! I have so far bought a bracelet, an anklet (with pearls and shells on, I got them on the beach here today) and some sunnies and a smaller camera case in Bangkok. Woo!

The food is amazing here, Pad Thai (which is noodles) is so far my favourite, although Mark had some tempura shrimp yesterday which were very nice too; the green curry was fantastic, but burnt my mouth off so i couldn't finish it! (my bowl had at least two chillies in it alone!).

If you want a more detailed account of our first few days read on.....

Day 1: Taxi rip off!
So we arrive at Bangkok tired and dazed, and have to wait for half an hour in the immigration queue - only to find out we need to fill in an immigration form (obvious I know...). Luckily second time queuing didn't take so long, but still! Anyway we then take a taxi to khao san rd for what seem the reasonable amount of 600b, turns out would ave cost us apx 300b if we'd used our brains and got him to turn on the meter! However we got there safe and sound (which is something considering the driving here) and without killing anyone on the way (again a plus being as there are plenty of nutters on scooters without helmets, sometimes three of them, sometimes sitting side saddle - as far as I can tell if you feel safe its legal in Thailand!)
Of course the next hurdle is always finding you hotel... read marks blog for a full account of my failure as a navigator!!(I admitt all fault, I didnt have a map, which is a major oversight!). Did give us a chance to have a look up and down khao san rd though, pretty sure that didn't cheep up mark! Anyway once we'd checked in it was late, so we had junk food for dinner - bad tourists! You can get a lot for 177b though!

Day 2: Late start!
I've never had jet lag before, I think for some reason my body is against me sleeping! Really tired so we went to sleep asap, but then we woke up every hour or so until 6, and then slept straight through til 1pm!! Obviously that ruined the plans to go and see the temples and everything, as they close at 3... We decided to go for a look around anyway, as the palace area was very close, and got hussled into taking a longtail boat canal tour - what a fantastic decision!

The tour took apx a hour, and took us along the canals of bangkok (obviously!) It's mad to see how absolute luxury sits adjacent to near poverty - massive white mansions next to little tin stilt houses! But as always the thais are always smiling! Our boat driver was cool too, even if his cornering techniques were a little terrifying. He pointed out all of the main sights to see, and some other things too, like some massive lizardy things which were just chilling out on the banks! Anyway i'm sure we'l uplad some pics of it all once I work out how...
The evening was another stroll down khao san rd, as an early start to catch the 5hr bus to koh chang in the morning (and because i like shops! Khao san has a glostonbury-esque feel to it; loads of little stall to browse, I think it's lovely!).

Day 3: long Long LONG day!
5 hours my ass! Bus took 10 hrs to get to the ferry, ferry took another hour, and then a scary taxi drive to the hotel! Again with the 'if you feel safe, go ahead' rule: taxis on Koh chang are pick up trucks (which by the way are everywhere here, every other vehicle in thailand is either a tuk tuk or a Hilux!). Basically you chuck your bag on a roof rack thing, and then climb in the back (army stylee) I was scared my bag would fall ff, and then two guys jumped on the back and hung on! I was even more afraid they would fall off! However everything went swimmingly, and all got to the hotel in one happy piece! There was even a guy waiting where the taxi stopped who took my bag to our hut for me! Enough cannot be said for thai hospitality!
Our hut is fantastic, even better than the internet pictures, and Mark was shocked and really pleased when he realised they not only come in and clean etc everyday, but also make the towels into a different animal! Lol!

Day 4: Paradise!
Early morning as mark still isnt sleeping well cos he has a sniffle, and for some reason gets cold (yes COLD) at night! I really really don't understand as even with a/c on full its 18degrees but he is ill i guess... Anyway awake at 6.30 so out the hut by 7 to buy water and ice cream and coconut oil, which is already working wonders on my hair (no need for braids yet, although they do do it on khao san road so i might do it on sunday especially for lucy!). Than out free brekkie and a day beaching out. Was a bit overcast for about an hour maybe, but then the sun came out full strength again :-D it's hard to believe in the cold when you're out here! Now we are just updating blogs etc... Mark kicked me off the laptop cos i was taking too long so im using a real computer inside - mean boy!

Anyway, much love to you all, and I hope it isn't too cold!!

Freyr xxxx

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